{"id":4011197,"date":"2021-12-13T02:15:00","date_gmt":"2021-12-13T07:15:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/staging.redhotbargain.com\/?p=4011197"},"modified":"2022-10-24T22:12:26","modified_gmt":"2022-10-25T03:12:26","slug":"should-bathroom-mirrors-be-framed","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/housecaravan.com\/should-bathroom-mirrors-be-framed\/","title":{"rendered":"Should Bathroom Mirrors be Framed?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The style and size of a bathroom mirror are a matter of personal taste, but a lot of people are wondering if they should be framed. Aside from framed mirrors, frameless mirrors are now available, which gives you many options to choose from. Choosing a mirror mainly depends on your preferences and needs. On the other hand, if you are unsure of what you should choose, we have shared the information below to help you get started.<\/p>\n

Should bathroom mirrors be framed? Bathroom mirrors need not be framed. As a matter of fact, there are frameless bathroom mirrors that will look just as elegant in your bathroom. With the many kinds of mirrors that you can choose from, you need to weigh out your options so that you can make the best judgment according to your needs and preferences.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Aside from framed mirrors, what other types of mirrors can I have for my bathroom? Should I choose a framed mirror over the frameless one? What are the pros and cons that I can get from both types of mirrors? These are some of the questions that we will talk about in this article. Check out the rest of the article for more tips and information.<\/p>\n\n\n

Image by ErikaWittlieb<\/a> from Pixabay<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n

Should You Choose Framed or Frameless Bathroom Mirror?<\/h2>\n

Each mirror has its pros and cons. A frameless mirror is easy to style and can fit with any theme or d\u00e9cor. On the other hand, a framed mirror adds a polished and decorative touch to the room. You can choose a decorative mirror with a simple frame.<\/strong> When choosing a framed mirror, you also need to consider the finish that you want, like brass, brass nickel, and many more. You need to match the finish of the frame to the rest of your bathroom d\u00e9cor.<\/p>\n

The choice between a framed or a frameless mirror is entirely up to you. Think about the aesthetic that you want to have for your room. Do you think a frameless mirror would look great with your current d\u00e9cor? Would a framed mirror add an esthetic appeal to the room? Weigh out the pros and cons to make the best judgment.<\/p>\n

Pros and Cons of Framed Mirrors for Bathrooms<\/h2>\n

Framed mirrors enhance the appearance of your bathroom while being functional. They come in different designs so you can choose the one that suits your d\u00e9cor. On the other hand, some frames can easily be damaged by the moisture and humidity present in the bathroom.<\/strong> Below are the pros and cons of framed bathroom mirrors.<\/p>\n


Prevents De-Silvering<\/h4>\n

De-silvering is the blackened edges that some mirrors get after a long time of use. This is caused by cleaning supplies or water that seeps underneath the mirror’s edges, which damages the silver backing. As a result, the mirror will look dirty and dated. Adding a frame to the mirror can prevent de-silvering because the frame will act as a barrier for the mirror’s edges.<\/p>\n

Decoration Possibilities<\/h4>\n

Framed mirrors allow easy decoration possibilities. You can transform them so that they fit the current theme that you have. For instance, you can drape garlands or lights into the frames for seasonal d\u00e9cor. You can also add beads or fabric around the edges for a bohemian look. We have also written this article titled, which is better: backlit or edge-lit?<\/a> We have discussed the differences between both mirrors and the benefits you can get from them. Check out the article for more tips and information.<\/p>\n

Creates a Statement<\/h4>\n

Framed mirrors can make a stunning statement in any given space. You can use large mirrors with decorative frames to attract attention. They are perfect for decorating prominent walls or tables. For bedrooms, you can add a slender and tall mirror against the corner. You can even add lights behind the mirror to make it more eye-catching.<\/p>\n


Easily Get Damaged by Moisture<\/h4>\n

The frame of the mirror is made up of different materials like metal, wood, and brass. For bathrooms, wood is not an excellent material when it comes to humidity and moisture. Moreover, metal also corrodes. The moisture and humidity of the bathroom can easily damage some frames.<\/p>\n

Fewer Lighting Options<\/h4>\n

Framed mirrors with unique shapes, especially those with bulky frames, can take up a lot of space. This can affect the ability to place lighting in the bathroom. One common problem is that you cannot place lighting above the vanity, which results in ceiling lights.<\/p>\n

Takes a Lot of Space<\/h4>\n

Framed mirrors take a lot of space, which can be a problem for small bathrooms. By having a large framed mirror above the bathroom vanity, there will be no space left to put the medicine cabinet. Sacrificing space can be a big setback especially if you have limited space to work with.<\/p>\n

Pros and Cons of Frameless Bathroom Mirrors<\/h2>\n

Frameless mirrors are one of the most common choices for a bathroom. They are easy to maintain and do not take up a lot of space. On the other hand, their edges can easily clip.<\/strong> Below are the pros and cons of frameless mirrors to help you determine if they are the best choice for your bathroom.<\/p>\n


Ideal for Bathroom Environment<\/h4>\n

With frameless mirrors, you do not have to worry about caring for a frame. You do not have to worry that the frame’s material can get damaged by the moistness and humidity of the bathroom. This means that you can minimize the maintenance work with a frameless mirror.<\/p>\n

Easy to Maintain<\/h4>\n

Frameless mirrors are easy to maintain. You will have access to the entire glass pane, which makes cleaning easier. Cleaning around the frame can be challenging. The frame of the mirror can be a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. With frameless mirrors, you do not have to worry about his problem. Moreover, you do not have to worry about warping or splitting for wood frames<\/a> and corrosion or rusting for metal frames.<\/p>\n

Ideal for Small Spaces<\/h4>\n

Another advantage that you can get from frameless mirrors is that they make the most out of a small space. For instance, a large mirror will reflect more light into space, making it look larger. On the other hand, a large part of the wall space is taken up by the mirror’s frame, which minimizes the amount of space reflected. You can also check out this article that we have written that discusses frameless mirrors are in style<\/a>. Check out the article to find out more about frameless mirrors.<\/p>\n


Edges May Chip<\/h4>\n

A disadvantage of a frameless mirror is that the edges are prone to chipping. No frame will help protect the edges of the mirror. It can begin to chip if the mirror is constantly moved or touched. Moreover, chipping can also occur when moisture and condensation build up on the mirror.<\/p>\n

Cookie Cutter Look<\/h4>\n

A frameless mirror has a cookie-cutter look into it. Most bathrooms either have an oval or rectangular frameless mirror. If you want your bathroom to be unique and personalized, you need to have a mirror that stands out from the rest.<\/p>\n

\u2705 Video – Oval Frameless Wall Mirror Installation<\/h5>\n

Fab Glass And Mirror shared the video below on YouTube on how to install an oval frameless wall mirror. You can easily install the mirror by using a few tools. Check out the video for the step-by-step installation process.<\/p>\n\n\n
