Why Does Bamboo Grow So Fast?

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet that can grow up to 35 inches in just a day, which makes one wonder why it grows so fast. It is also important to take note that there are certain species of bamboo and not all of them grow at the same speed. Why do they grow so fast and what makes them grow so fast? Let us find out the answer below.

Why does bamboo grow so fast? While they are still little buds, bamboo plants create all the cells that they need to grow. These cells do not have to split apart while they grow, but rather, they stretch out. The cells are filled with water which causes them to quickly expand. It is a common trait for all grasses and is also the reason why you need to mow or cut them regularly.

What is the fastest-growing bamboo in the world? How fast does bamboo spread? When is the best time to plant bamboo? Does bamboo need a lot of water? These are some of the questions that we will talk about in this article. If you want to know more about bamboo and its growing abilities, you can check out the article below.

why does bamboo grow so fast
Photo by Valeriia Miller from Pexels

How Fast Does Bamboo Grow?

How fast bamboo grows will have to depend on various factors like the placement of the plants, the age of the specimens, and whether they are clumpers or runners. Generalizing the growth patterns of bamboo can be difficult because of the many different types that grow in different climates. To have a precise idea of what to expect from a particular bamboo, it is best to specify the species.

To generalize, runners can grow at an average of three to five feet a year while the clumping varieties tend to grow slower with an average of one to three feet a year. Tinder bamboo species can grow from two to three feet a day until they can reach their maximum height.

✅ Video – How Fast Does Bamboo Grow?

Eddyd30 shared the video below on YouTube. He discusses how fast bamboo grows. How to properly plant the bamboo in the pot is also discussed. Watch the video for the time-lapse of bamboo growth.

Fastest Growing Bamboo in the World

The Guinness World Records listed that the fastest growing plant on the planet belongs to a certain bamboo species. The bamboo can grow up to 35 inches in just a day. Take note that different bamboo species grow at different speeds. Several species of bamboo that can grow at a fast rate include giant timber bamboo, Chinese Moso bamboo, and Madake bamboo.

How Fast Does Bamboo Spread?

Running bamboo can spread three to five feet per year. However, some species spread faster. On the other hand, clumping bamboo spreads slowly. They can spread only a few inches a year which is why they are easy to maintain and ideal for the backyard or home gardening. You can also check out this article that we have written that discusses if bamboo is a tree or grass. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

How to Grow Bamboo

To grow bamboo effectively, a plant should be used and not seeds. Temperate bamboo is usually seen on 75-year cycles and has a very short viability. Take note that the bamboo division that you begin with is only going to grow underground. The culms that are attached to the roots or rhizomes have done growing and will only support the root system. Hence, the culm will not take off and get taller or larger. Each spring, the culm emerges its diameter and grows taller in a couple of months. In just a few months, the growth of the whole life cycle of the cane will be completed.

How to Grow Bamboo Faster

By nature, bamboo is a fast-growing plant, but you can make it grow faster. Some factors include speeding the growth of bamboos like the plant, water, soil, fertilizer, mulch, and pruning. Before anything else, you need to learn the best condition for the specific bamboo species that you want to grow.


Purchasing stabilized and established bamboo will make it grow faster. This is because bigger plants have larger rhizomes that grow larger shoots faster as compared to smaller seedlings. Avoid freshly dug plants because they are the least stable and take more time to establish in the soil which will slow their growth.


Bamboo needs regular watering in the first season after planting. Some species requires regular watering for up to five seasons. Lack of water can slow down their development. Once they are established, bamboo only needs additional water during the drought season.


Bamboo can thrive in various soil conditions. On the other hand, you need to make sure that it has well-drained, light loamy soil with high organic content if you want to speed up its growth. Take note that bamboo does not grow well in standing water and can even start to rot away if there is no adequate drainage. To avoid water from getting trapped around the roots, you can add sand, gravel, or mulch.


For optimal growth, bamboo needs at least four hours of filter sunlight. Make sure to check what kind of sun condition your bamboo species require. Some species require full sun, shade, or partial shade to grow faster.


Bamboo does not necessarily need fertilizer to grow, but it is an important factor to consider if you want to have the best growth result. Apply organic slow-release fertilizer during mid-spring to provide time for the bamboo to absorb nutrients before the shooting season.


The layer of mulch will protect the rhizomes and will also act as insulation. Some of the best mulch materials include chipped wood, sawdust, leaf mulch, compost, bark, and manure. Mulching can also slow down evaporation or protect the soil from getting cold.


Trim or prune the bamboo regularly to encourage fast growth.

Bamboo Uses

Bamboo is used as a raw material for many products. It is also used for construction. Bamboo is stronger than concrete, wood, or brick, and has a higher tensile strength as compared to steel. It is also flexible enough for delicate work. It is an eco-friendly alternative to products like toothbrushes, flooring, bicycles, paper, ropes, musical instruments, jewelry, ornaments, toilet paper, and many more.

Does Bamboo Re-grow When Cut?

When you cut the top of the bamboo, it will not re-grow, rather, new leaves will grow from the cut. The leaves provide energy to the underground system of the plant which allows it to sprout new canes. Hence, cutting a stand of bamboo down to the ground will not eradicate it, but will allow new stalks to re-grow from the base rather than from where you have cut. You can also check out this article that we have written that discusses if you can put a pillowcase on a bamboo pillow. We have shared an in-depth discussion about this bamboo product.

When is the Best Time to Plant Bamboo?

Autumn is the most ideal time to plant bamboo because bamboo rhizomes are active during the summer to late autumn. Planting in early autumn enables the roots to spread into the surrounding soil before it becomes dormant when winter came. Find out the difference between bamboo and sugarcane by reading this article titled, bamboo vs sugar cane.

Does Bamboo Need a Lot of Water?

Bamboo thrives in a lot of water, but too much is also bad for the growth of the bamboo. It also needs well-drained soil. While it likes being watered, bamboo does not grow well in stagnant and can start to rot away if there is no drainage. Make sure to have well-drained soil for your bamboo plant.

Can You Cut a Piece of Bamboo and Replant?

You can cut a piece of bamboo and replant it. If you have a stable bamboo plant in your yard or a pot, you can propagate it by cutting sections of the stem and replanting. This method is referred to as the culm-segment cutting. The sections of the bamboo will develop new roots and will grow into a new plant. Do you know that bamboo shoots can be eaten? You can check out this article that discusses what bamboo taste like for more information.

How Strong is Bamboo?

Bamboo is known to have a higher specific compressive strength which is the ability to resist heavy loads than brick, concrete, or wood. It has a tensile strength that can rival steel which makes it one of the strongest materials on the planet.

Is Bamboo Sustainable?

Bamboo is a sustainable plant because it can regenerate and grow faster. It can grow and thrive in diverse environments all across the globe. Moreover, bamboo produces 535 percent more oxygen which helps the environment. You can also check out this article that we have written titled, is bamboo good in bathrooms? We have shared the advantages and disadvantages of various bamboo bathroom products.

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Bamboo?

Bamboo attracts insects and mosquito is one of them. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in the water that collects inside the stalks. You can also check out this article that we have shared that discusses if termites eat bamboo for more information.


In this article, we have discussed why bamboo grows so fast. We have learned that this is because as the cells of the bamboo get filled with water, they expand quickly. This is a trait that is common to tall grasses. Furthermore, we have also discussed how to grow bamboo and provide some tips on how to grow bamboo faster. Bamboo is a sustainable and renewable material that is used in many products.

Because it is fast-growing, it is used as a substitute for trees and helps reduce deforestation. It has many benefits environmentally in its raw form and when made into various products. We hope that the information that we have shared has helped you learn more about bamboo. Thank you for reading!

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