Why Do Birds Jump at Mirrors?

In this article, we will discuss why birds jump at mirrors. Birds can be beneficial to your garden because they help fertilize the plants. If you have mirrors in your garden, you might have noticed birds jumping on them. Why is this so? Let us find out the answer below.

Why do birds jump at mirrors? One reason why birds jump at mirrors is because of aggressiveness and being territorial. They cannot recognize their reflection in the mirror and would think that they are looking at another bird. Some bird species are more aggressive than they will jump at the mirror to attack and drive the intruder away.

Why do birds attack car mirrors? How do you prevent birds from jumping at mirrors? Why do birds attack mirrors? How to make mirrors less reflective for birds? These are some of the questions that we will discuss. Check out the rest of the article below for more tips and information.

Why do birds jump at mirrors
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Why Do Birds Attack Mirrors?

One of the reasons why birds attack mirrors is because of being territorial. When birds choose a nest in your garden, they will view the surrounding area as their territory and will defend it from intruders.  If the bird sees its image in a mirror that is hanging on a wall that is included in its territory, the bird will mistake its reflection as an intruder and try to drive it away. Hence, they attack the mirror. You can also read this article that discusses if mirrors scare birds. We have shared helpful information that you can refer to.

How to Prevent Birds from Jumping into Mirrors

There are several ways to prevent birds from jumping into mirrors which include wrapping the mirror, using black socks or cardboard, and moving it away from the garden. Take note that when the bird jumps into the mirror, it will not only damage the mirror, but the bird also ends up hurting itself. Seeing its reflection in the mirror, the bird will think of it as an intruder and attack. To avoid this issue in your garden, below are some ways that you can do.

Option 1 – Wrap the Mirror

One way to prevent birds from jumping into mirrors is by wrapping the mirror with a plastic or paper bag. This will effectively block the birds from seeing their reflection. Make sure to tie the plastic or paper bag with a rubber band so that the wind will not blow it away.

Option 2 – Cover the Mirror

Another option that you can do to prevent birds from jumping in the mirrors in your garden is to cover the mirror. You can use cloth or any soft material that will not scratch the mirror. Moreover, you can use cardboard pieces. Cut the cardboard in the shape of the mirror and place it in front. Tape the cardboard so that it stays in place.

Option 3 – Use Black Socks

If you do not want to use plastic bags or paper bags because they are not aesthetically attractive, you can use black socks to cover the mirror. Black socks are soft and will not damage the mirror. They are also reusable and eco-friendly as compared to using plastics.

Option 4 – Use Cardboard

You can use cardboard to cover the mirror. It will effectively cover the reflective part of the mirror. Tape the cardboard to the mirror to secure it. You can also use other paper materials such as colored paper for a colorful look. However, the problem with using cardboard or any paper products is that they can get wet and damaged.

Option 5 – Move the Mirror

The best option is to remove the mirror from your garden. You can place it in another location away from birds. This can be a problem if the mirror is used to reflect light into the shady areas of the garden. On the other hand, if you are only using the mirror as decoration, it is best to remove it to prevent harming the birds in your garden.

✅ Video – Incredibly Simple Tip to Prevent Birds flying Into Window

Alex Sally shared the video below on YouTube. It discusses simple tips on how to prevent birds from flying into the window. If you are experiencing this issue, watch the video for tips that you can refer to.

Why Do Birds Attack Your Car Mirror?

Birds attack for the same reason that they attack garden mirrors or any reflective objects. They look at their reflection and see an intruder. This can escalate during the mating season where there is much competition. Male birds will defend their territories and end up fighting with any birds that they see as a threat. When the birds see your car mirror, they will view their reflection as an intruder and attack. They do not understand that they are fighting with their reflection. This can damage your car and also harm the bird. You can also check out this article that discusses if birds like mirrors in the garden. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

How to Make Mirrors Less Reflective for Birds?

To make mirrors less reflective for birds, you can use soap or dirt. These are temporary solutions that will prevent the birds from attacking the mirrors. Let us learn more about these alternatives below.


If you have a lot of unused soap in your laundry area, you can use it to cover the mirror. Scrub the soap into the mirror and let it dry. The soap residue will stick into the mirror making it less reflective and creating blurry images


You can also use dirt to cover your mirror. This might not be the best option, but it is a temporary solution that you can do. Pour some dirt in your mirror to prevent it from being reflective. Let the mirror stay dirty until you determine what you can do with it.

How to Know if the Mirror is Bad for Your Bird?

Long interaction with the mirror and territorial behaviors are some of the signs that a mirror is bad for the birds. If you have a pet bird that is using a mirror as a toy, you might notice changes in its behavior. Take note that there are negative results to placing a mirror on your birdcage. Let us learn more about these below.

Territorial Behavior

One of the signs that you need to watch out for to determine if a mirror is bad for your bird is when there are changes in their territorial behavior. If a bird is becoming protective about the mirror, this can be the result of territorial behavior.

Long Exposure to the Mirror

Long exposure to the mirror can also negatively impact your pet bird. If your bird spends a lot of time in front of the mirror, this can be a sign of negative behavior. The bird can get attached to the mirror and will show bad behavior if you take the mirror away. Moreover, birds usually feed each other to show love and affection. If you notice that your pet bird is feeding the mirror, this means that they think that their reflection in the mirror is their partner. This can be unhealthy for the social growth of the birds.

Are Garden Mirrors Bad for Birds?

Garden mirrors can be bad for birds because can get territorial and attack the mirrors. As we have mentioned above, birds do not recognize themselves when they look at the mirror. They often think that they see an intruder and attack the mirror which ends up damaging the mirror and also hurting themselves. We have also shared this article titled, are mirrors safe for birds? You can check out the article for more tips and information.

Are Mirrors Beneficial For Birds?

There are instances wherein mirrors can be beneficial for birds. For instance, if you have a pet bird and are worried that it might get lonely in its cage, you can use mirrors as your last option to make its surroundings fun. On the other hand, you need to observe the behavior of the bird and how it reacts to the mirror. Moreover, use the mirror for only a short time because long-term exposure to mirrors can affect the behavior of the bird.

How to Prevent the Harmful Effect of Mirrors on Your Pet Birds?

You need to take some precautions to avoid the harmful effect of mirrors on your pet birds. Observe how they treat the mirrors and how they react to them. Carefully introduce the mirror to the bird. It is best if the bird sees your reflection in the mirror as well as its own when you first use it. Moreover, you need to interact with the bird in front of the mirror. By doing this, the bird will learn to differentiate between reflection and reality. If you notice any signs of bad behavior, remove the mirror immediately.


You have reached the end of this article that discusses why birds jump at mirrors. Above, we have shared the different reasons why birds jump or attack mirrors. Make sure to strategically place mirrors in your garden to avoid such issues. Thank you for reading!

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