Which is Better, Drip or Spray Irrigation?

Drip and spray are two types of irrigation that you can choose from, but which is the better choice for your lawn? If you have a large lawn or garden, installing an irrigation system makes watering a convenient and easy thing to do. There are many types of irrigation systems available which makes you wonder which one you should choose. To help you get started, we will discuss drip and spray irrigation systems and how they work.

Which is better drip or spray irrigation? Both drip and spray irrigation have their pros and cons. It all comes down to your needs, budget, preferences, and what your lawn requires. Moreover, each option is ideal for certain tasks, but not suited to others. For instance, you might need a spray system for your lawn watering needs. On the other hand, others need drip irrigation to water their gardens without soaking the plants.

Drip and spray irrigation systems can benefit your lawn or garden. Choosing between the two is a decision that you need to make. There are many factors that you need to consider like the size of your lawn and your budget. Check out the rest of the article below for more information.

Which is better drip or spray irrigation
Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

What is a Drip Irrigation System?

Drip irrigation systems distribute water in a controlled way. It uses long plastic pipes and is installed low to the ground. There are openings at the pipes which allow water to come out according to the yard design as well as the scheduled watering. A drip irrigation system lets water directly drip onto the soil where the plant is located.

Advantages of a Drip Irrigation System

The advantage of a drip irrigation system is that it can save water. It also reduces weeds to promote stronger and healthier plants. Let us learn more about these advantages below.

Saves Water

One of the advantages of a drip irrigation system is that it saves water. The opening holes in pipes mean that you are only watering the plants and not a wide area of soil. As compared to a spray system that spreads water all over your garden, a drip irrigation system directly waters the plants which save a lot of water.

Reduce Weed

Another benefit that you can get from a drip irrigation system is that it reduces weed. This is because you are directly watering the ground and not the surrounding area. The drip irrigation system prevents the weeds from germinating between the areas of your plants.

Healthy and Thriving Plants

A drip irrigation system also promotes healthy and thriving plants. The slow and controlled water that drips from the system helps deep growing roots. This leads to healthy plants. Moreover, the water drips directly into the soil which prevents the leaves from getting wet. This results in less plant disease in the garden.

Disadvantages of a Drip Irrigation System

A drip irrigation system can be costly to install and the holes or emitters can get plugged. You need to do regular maintenance to make sure that your drip irrigation system is working properly. Below are some of the disadvantages of a drip irrigation system that you need to be aware of.

May Not be Budget-Friendly

One of the disadvantages of a drip irrigation system is that it can be expensive. The material is costly. Even using PVC which is considered the cheapest material, is still expensive and you will spend over 100 dollars. Moreover, it takes some time and planning to do the initial setup of the system which happens every season.

Holes Can Get Plugged

If you install a drip irrigation system, you will also deal with holes and emitters getting plugged. Depending on the quality of water that you use, the emitter heads or the holes in your pipe can get plugged from debris such as algae growth and mineral build-ups. You need to regularly inspect the drip system to make sure that the holes are not plugged. If you are dealing with bad water quality, it is best if you install filter systems on the drip irrigation systems. You can also check out this article that we have shared titled, should you bury drip irrigation lines? We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

What is a Spray Irrigation System?

A spray irrigation system widely spreads water in the lawn according to its range. The pipes of the spray irrigation systems are located underground with the sprinkler heads visible above the ground. When you activate the system, it sprays significant amounts of water over a wide area.

✅ Video – Sprinkler and Drip Irrigation — What’s the Difference?

Snwavideo shared the video below on YouTube. It discusses the difference between a sprinkler and a drip irrigation system. In the video, how each system works is discussed. Check out the video for more tips and ideas.

Advantages of a Spray Irrigation System

The main advantage of a spray-based system is its overall ease of use. You can simply set a sprinkler in your garden and let it run for a while and the whole area gets watered. Let us learn more about these advantages below.


One of the advantages that you can get from using a spray irrigation system is that it is affordable. It is cheaper to set up as compared to a drip system because it only requires a hose and a sprinkler. Moreover, spray systems can also be automated. Meaning, it instantly turns on and off according to the configured schedule.


Another advantage of a spray system is that it has a lot of coverage. For instance, there are sprinkler heads that can water wide areas of ground. The amount of spray heads that you will need depends on the size of your garden. We have also shared this article that discusses if a sprinkler system saves water. Check out the article to learn more about the topic.

Disadvantages of a Spray Irrigation System

There are many disadvantages of a spray-based system that means it may not be the best system to use which includes water waste, shallow watering, and uneven watering. Let us discuss more of these disadvantages below.

Water Waste

A disadvantage of a spray irrigation system is that it wastes a lot of water. According to some studies, about 80 percent of water is wasted because of evaporation. This usually happens during windy and hot days.

Shallow Watering

Another disadvantage of a spray irrigation system is that it provides shallow watering. A spray system spreads water over the whole surface of the lawn. As a result, it can take a long time for the water to soak down into the root of the plants.

Uneven Watering

Using a spray system also results in uneven watering. Take note that spray systems put out more water closer to the source. Hence, the plants that are closest to the spray system get too much water, while plants that are further will not get adequate water.

Can You Combine Drip and Spray System in Your Garden?

You can combine drip and spray systems in your garden. You to consider the landscaping so that your lawn or garden receives the right amount of water. Make sure that you consider the irrigation system that you will use for your plants. For instance, a spray system can wash away the soil at the roots of the trees and can be harsh to newly grown flowers. On the other hand, a drip irrigation system can provide the tree roots with steady and slow water to prevent soil erosion.

Is Drip Irrigation Better than Sprinklers?

Drip irrigation systems have more benefits as compared to sprinklers. For instance, a drip irrigation system saves more water than a sprinkler system. This is because drip systems use only half of the water that a sprinkler system uses. Moreover, it slowly dispenses water into the plants which prevents soil erosion.

Is Drip or Spray Irrigation More Expensive?

Drip irrigation is more expensive as compared to spray irrigation systems. The initial cost of installation for a drip system is more expensive. The cost is about 2.50 to 4.50 dollars per square foot. This will have to depend on the size of your property and the labor cost in your area. You can also check out this article that discusses if an irrigation system is worth the cost. We have shared the pros and cons of an irrigation system and what you can get from it.

Why is Drip Irrigation Bad?

Drip irrigation can be bad for your lawn and garden for many reasons. If the drip irrigation system is not properly installed, it can cause poor root development and the plants can die. Doing wide loops for the tubing or installing small water emitters can result in drought conditions. While the roots of the plants keep growing, it results in shallow growth. You can also check out this article that we have shared that discusses how many days a week should you water. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.


You have reached the end of this article that discusses if drip or spray irrigation is better. Each system has its pros and cons. Choosing the best irrigation system for your property will have to depend on your budget, preferences, and the water needs of your lawn. Make sure that you compare both systems so that you can decide which one your garden can benefit the most. Thank you for reading!

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