What’s the Difference Between a Regular Freezer and a Garage-Ready Freezer?

You might be wondering what the difference is between a regular freezer and a garage-ready freezer. Having a freezer in the garage is common for most households. Especially those who are far away from markets keep an extra freezer to store bulk food. On the other hand, it is not recommended to use a regular freezer in the garage. If you are curious what the difference is between a garage-ready and a regular freezer, check out the rest of the article below.

What’s the difference between a regular freezer and a garage-ready freezer? The difference between a regular freezer and a garage-ready freezer is that the garage-ready ones are made to handle a wide temperature range while a regular freezer can only handle a limited temperature range. Because of this garage-ready freezers can be placed in uninsulated or unheated garages.

Bear in mind that not all types of freezers can be placed in the garage, especially if it has a fluctuating temperature. If you are curious about what a garage-ready freezer is and its difference from the regular ones, we have shared tips and information below that you can refer to.

What is the difference between a regular and a Garage-Ready Freezer?

A garage-ready and regular freezer differs when it comes to energy efficiency, appearance, maintenance, and installation. Garage-ready freezers are designed to have a small heater that is responsible for prompting the fridge to run its compressor if the temperature falls. As compared to the regular freezer, garage-ready freezers are more durable and made from high-quality materials that can handle extreme temperature changes.

What is a Garage-Ready Freezer?

A garage-ready freezer is a freezer that features a heater. The heater creates a stable temperature so that the thermostat inside the freezer will allow the compressor to run and the food inside stays frozen. In case the garage temperature drops on the thermostat, the freezer will continue running instead of turning off.

Stable Temperature

With the fluctuating temperature inside the garage, you need to have a durable and efficient freezer that can handle a wide temperature range. If there are changes in the garage temperature, the compressor will work harder and it will wear out faster. Bear in mind that compressor replacement can be costly and you may end up replacing your freezer.

Make sure that the freezer runs efficiently by maintaining a stable temperature inside the garage. On the other hand, this can be an issue if you have an uninsulated garage. The good thing is that you can now have a garage-ready freezer that can handle different temperature changes.

Thermostat Control

The thermostat plays an important part in the freezer.  If the freezer detects warm external air, the compressor will turn on automatically and cold air will blow from the freezer and into the food compartments. On the other hand, in the winter, the temperature can get low and can harm the compressor.

A garage-ready freezer heats the area around the thermostat. As a result, the compressor will continue running and will not shut off. This is the reason why garage-ready freezers are designed with inbuilt heaters. Moreover, garage-ready freezers continue to run even when exposed to outdoor temperatures that fall to negative 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Have its Own Circuit

The compressor is an important part of the freezer so you need to make sure that it works efficiently. Bear in mind that if there is a power outage, the surge hits the compressor hard. Hence, it should have its own circuit. By doing this, the other appliances will not overload in case there is a power outage.

Are All Types of Freezers Garage-Ready?

Not all types of freezers are garage-ready. For a freezer to be garage-ready, its internal components should be properly designed and tested. This makes sure that the freezer can handle a wide range of temperatures. They are made from high-quality and durable materials. Moreover, garage-ready freezers have a thermostat that controls their temperature.

✅ Video – How to Make a Freezer Work in an Unheated Garage Refrigerator

Fix it with Pappy shared the video below on YouTube. It discusses how to make a freezer work in an unheated garage. If you have an unheated garage and would like to keep an extra freezer there, check out this video for tips and ideas.

Do You Need to Own a Garage-Ready Freezer?

If you are planning to place a freezer in your garage, then you need to choose one that is garage-ready. By doing this, you do not have to worry about the fluctuating temperature inside the garage. The common temperature range for garage-ready freezers is between 0 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. It can be able to handle various temperatures without malfunctioning.

Helpful Tips on Storing Freezers in the Refrigerator

Using garage-ready freezers, creating an enclosed space and proper stacking of food are some of the things that you need to consider when choosing a garage-ready freezer.  With the many garage-ready freezers that are available on the market, it can be confusing to choose the right one.  Fortunately, manufacturers offer specific garage refrigerators to choose from. Garage-ready refrigerators are designed to have built-in insulation and are more durable. Below are some tips on how to choose garage-ready freezers.

Creating a Conditioned Space for the Freezer

When it comes to keeping a regular freezer in the garage, you need to make sure that the garage air temperature is regulated. A regular freezer can only handle a specific temperature range. If the garage the uninsulated and you do not have the budget to insulate the whole space, you can create a small enclosure with a conditioned temperature for the freezer.

By doing this, you can moderate the heat around the Freezer. Moreover, the enclosed space enables you to store other temperature-sensitive appliances to prevent them from overheating or freezing.

Garage-Ready Freezers

The best solution for storing freezers in the garage is to choose a garage-ready freezer. These types of freezers are made to handle extreme temperatures and humidity that regular freezers cannot. They are more durable and can handle the extreme temperature of an uninsulated or unheated garage. On the other hand, you need to do some research before purchasing a garage-ready freezer. Compare one product to another so that you can get the best choice. You can also read this article that discusses how you can tell if a refrigerator is garage-ready. We have shared helpful information that you can refer to.

Fill Up the Freezer

Be mindful of the foods that you keep in the freezer and how they are stacked. Take note that what you put inside the freezer can affect its efficiency. There are instances wherein too many or too few items in the freezer can lead to inefficient cooling. Make sure to stock up the freezer with enough items for it to cool. Moreover, the air is sucked out of the freezer and replaced every time you open and close its door.

The foods stored inside the freezer act as natural ice cubes which effectively helps cool the new air and prevents the freezer from working too hard. However, make sure that you do not fill the freezer to the brim because it can block the blower and prevent cold air circulation.

Where to Place a Freezer in the Garage?

The placement of the freezer in the garage will have to depend on the type of freezer. The common types of freezers are chest freezers and upright freezers. Chest freezers have a manual defrost so it is recommended that you do not place them in a tight space. There should be enough room around the freezer for you to clean. We have also shared this article titled, can you put an indoor fridge outdoors? You can check out the article for more tips and information.

How to Keep the Freezer Safe in the Garage?

The best way to keep the freezer-safe in the garage is to insulate your garage. This can be expensive especially if you have a large garage. If you do not have a budget for whole garage insulation, you can create an enclosed space for the freezer so that it can moderate the temperature of the freezer. Moreover, you can set up fans to improve the airflow inside the garage, especially during the summer season.

Why is it Not Ideal to Keep a Regular Freezer in the Garage?

It is not ideal to keep a regular freezer in the garage because it is not made to handle the garage environment. Bear in mind that regular freezers should not be used in an area that experiences extreme weather conditions such as an unheated garage. When exposed to extremely hot temperatures, the freezer needs to work hard so that the food inside stays frozen. On the other hand, when exposed to extremely cold temperatures, it can shut off. You can also check out this article that discusses what kind of refrigerator can be used outside. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.


In this article, we have discussed the difference between a regular freezer and a garage-ready freezer. We have found out that garage-ready freezers are made with high-quality materials and are also equipped with features so that they can handle a wide temperature range. If you are thinking of keeping a freezer in the garage, make sure that it is garage-ready. Thank you for reading!

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