What Happens if You Don’t Clean Your Fan?

The fan is one of the dirtiest appliances in your home because it is a magnet to dust and dirt, so what happens if you don’t clean it? Will a dirty fan affect your health, your property, or the appliance itself? Check out the article below to find out the answer to these questions.

What happens if you don’t clean your fan? If you do not clean your fan, dust and dirt will accumulate which can be a health risk. As the fan spins, it will release dust particles into the air that can trigger allergies and other illnesses. Aside from that, the dust that gathers in the blades and motor of the fan can affect its performance. There will be a lot of stress on the motor that can sometimes lead to overheating which can be a fire risk.

Like any other appliance that you have at home, fans require regular cleaning and maintenance. Do not wait for the fan to accumulate a lot of dirt before you start cleaning it. Take note that not only dust and dirt are being collected into the fan, but it can also be the breeding ground for fungi and molds which is a big risk for the health of those who are living inside the house.

What happens if you don't clean your fan
Image by Picdream from Pixabay

Can Dust from the Fan Affect Your Health?

Dust that flew from the fan when it spins gets mixed with the air in the room which can affect your health. It can trigger an asthma attack or an allergic reaction. The last thing that you want to happen is to breathe dust into your lungs. If you have kids, pets, or people who have health issues living in your house, make sure to keep your fan clean and dust free.

What are the Health Risks of a Dusty Fan?

The health risks of a dusty fan include allergies, odors, and sinus infections. You might also find it hard to breathe inside the room when the fan is running. The chance of getting sick increases if you stay in a dusty room because you are constantly exposed to breathing in dust particles. Let us find out more about these health risks below.

Risk of Allergies

One of the health risks of having a dusty fan is allergies. Your health is at risk because the fan will not only contain dust and dirt, but it can also contain mold, fungi, and bacteria. The more dust the fan collects, the more dust will fly into the room when the fan is turned on. If you are highly allergic to dust or someone in your home has a respiratory disease, this can trigger an attack and can put your life or those you love at risk.

Risk of Sinus Infection

Dusty fans can also trigger sinus infections. There is a risk of contagion. Dust is made up of particles such as human skin and pet hair which collect on the fan. As dust accumulates, it becomes a breeding space for fungi and bacteria. When the fan spins, dust, fungi, and bacteria are spread into the room. If you have sinus issues, it can easily trigger an infection.

Dust Mite Allergies

Another health risk of having a dusty fan is dust mite allergies. Dust mites can get mixed into the dirt, dust, and mold that accumulate in the fan. They are microscopic creatures that thrive on fabrics and other soft surfaces. The waste of the dust mites can trigger allergic reactions. If you are sneezing, coughing, or having a hard time breathing inside the room when the fan is turned on, it is a sign that you already need to clean it. Moreover, you might also need to clean the room since the dust mites have already spread out into the appliances and furniture.

It Can Make Breathing Hard

Another health risk of having a dusty fan is that it can make it hard to breathe. This can be dangerous, especially for those who have breathing problems. Dust and dirt from the fan can get mixed up in the air that you breathe when it is turned on. This means that you are breathing dust into your lungs which can make breathing hard, especially for those who have a respiratory illness.

Bad Odors

Dust that gets accumulated in the fan can also produce a bad odor that can trigger allergies. When the fan spins, it distributes the smell of dust into the air that you breathe. If the room starts to smell moldy when you turn on the fan, you need to clean it.

Steps on How to Clean a Ceiling Fan

There are a few steps that you need to do when cleaning a ceiling fan which include preparing the area, washing the fan, and letting it dry. The cleaning will have to depend on the type and style of the fan. For instance, some fans need to be disassembled to be cleaned. Aside from that, you also need to consider the location of the fan. Are you cleaning a ceiling fan, a desk fan, or a stand fan?

Cleaning a ceiling fan can be a bit challenging as compared to cleaning a stand fan or a desk fan because it is hard to reach. You will need to climb on a ladder and use a long duster or vacuum attachment to clean the fan. Below are some of the steps on how to clean a fan.

Step 1 – Safety First

Before anything else, you need to turn off and plug off the fan. It is also recommended that you wear a mask to prevent breathing in the dust while cleaning the fan. If you are cleaning a ceiling fan, you might need to wear goggles to prevent dust and dirt to get into your eyes. When cleaning fans that are on the ceiling or walls, make sure that you have someone to help you hold the ladder when you are cleaning it.

Step 2 – Preparation

The next step is to prepare the tools that you need for cleaning. You will need a microfiber cloth, a cleaning solution, a vacuum, or a duster to get rid of the dust and dirt. To prevent dust from flying into the room while you clean, you can take the fan outside. On the other hand, if the fan is attached to the ceiling or walls, you need to cover items nearby so that they will not get dusty while you clean. You can also check out this article that discusses if retractable ceiling fans are worth it. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

Step 3 – Washing and Drying

Once you have completed steps one and two, it is time to wash and dry the fan. Some fans can be disassembled for easy cleaning while others cannot. Do not spray cleaning solutions or water into the motor or housing of the fan. Wipe the blades to remove dust. You can use a cleaning solution for hard-to-remove stains. Once you have thoroughly cleaned the fan, wipe it with a dry cloth. You can also read this article that discusses if fans should be forward or reverse. We have shared helpful information that you can refer to.

Why Does Dust Collect in Your Fan?

Dust collects in your fan because of static electricity. This occurs when the blades of the fan travel quickly into the air and brush air molecules. The molecules then create an electrical charge on the edge of the fan blade. This is the reason why you will mostly see the dust on the edges of the blades.

✅ Video – Why Do Electric Fan Blades Get Dusty?

10년본다 shared the video below on YouTube. It discusses why electric fan blades get dusty. You might notice that your fan gathers dust quickly even if you clean it regularly. Why is this so? Watch the video for a short explanation.

Is it Dangerous if the Blades of the Fan Gets Too Dirty?

It can be dangerous if the blades of the fan get too dirty. Too much dirt can cause the blades of the fan to shake. Aside from that, it can make it harder for the blades to spin because of all the dirt that weighs them down. This can put a lot of stress not only on the blades but also on the motor of the fan. If this continues, it can cause the fan to overheat because it is working harder than necessary. We have also shared this article titled, why is it important to clean your fan? You can check out the article for more tips and information.

Will the Speed of the Fan be Affected When it is Dusty?

When a fan is dusty, its speed can be affected. All the dust that accumulates into the fan can make it harder to perform efficiently. As a result, the speed of the fan will be slower. If you notice that your fan is getting slower or is not producing the amount of air that is required, you need to clean it. Dust can get into the motor of the fan which is hard to clean. You can also read this article that discusses what type of ceiling fan is most efficient. We have shared helpful information that you can refer to.


You have reached the end of this article that discusses what happens if you don’t clean your fan. We have found out that a dusty and dirty fan affects your health, your property, and also the fan itself. To make sure that you will not encounter any issues, make it a habit to regularly clean your fan. Thank you for reading!

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