Least Conductive Metal

What is the least conductive metal that you can use? You might be renovating your home and are wondering what kind of metal to use for your electric connection. There are many options that you can choose from. While all metals are conductive, some metals are better conductors as compared to others. To help you get started on your research about the least conductive metal, you can check out the rest of the article below.

What is the least conductive metal? The least conductive metals include mercury, titanium, lead, carbon, stainless steel varieties, tungsten, and carbon steel. All metals are conductive and that is because they have an electron conduction band. It is a shared band that allows electrons in the outer shells to move between atoms. All metals remain, conductors because it is their defining characteristic. However, the ease with which this happens varies for different metals.

What is electric conductivity? How electric conductivity in metal is determined? What is the least conductive metal? What metal heats up faster? Is there any metal that does not conduct electricity? These are some of the questions that we will discuss in this article. Check out the article for more tips and information. Let’s get started!

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Is There Any Metal that Does Not Conduct Electricity?

No metal does not conduct electricity because all metals are conductors. On the other hand, some metals are less conducive as compared to others. Metal atoms have electrons in their outer shells which are not tied to any other particular atom and can freely flow within the metal when electricity is applied.

What is Electrical Conductivity?

Electrical conductivity is the measured amount of current generation that is created on the target surface of the metal. It is how easily an electrical current can flow through a metal.

What are the Factors that Affect Electrical Conductivity?

Various factors can affect how a material can conduct electricity and these include impurities, temperature, electromagnetic fields, frequency, and crystal structure and phases. Let us take a closer look at each of these factors below.


Adding an impurity into a conductor will decrease its conductivity. For instance, sterling silver is less conductive as compared to pure silver. Oxidized silver is less conductive as compared to untarnished silver. This is because impurities hinder the flow of electrons.


Changing the temperature of any conductor will change its conductivity. An increase in the temperature will cause thermal excitation of the atoms and decrease conductivity while increasing resistivity.

Electromagnetic Fields

When electricity runs through conductors, they generate their electromagnetic fields. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the electric field. External electromagnetic fields can result in magnetoresistance and can slow the flow of current.


Frequency in Hertz is the number of oscillation cycles an alternating electrical current completes per second. The skin effect, wherein a high frequency can cause current to flow around the conductor rather than through it can occur above certain levels. The skin effect does not occur with the direct current because there is no oscillation and no frequency.

Crystal Structure and Phases

Conductivity will slightly slow at the interface if there are different phases of the material. This can be different from one structure to another. The way that material has been processed can affect how well it can conduct electricity.

Is Silver a Poor Conductor of Electricity?

Silver has the best electrical conductivity. It contains a high number of movable atoms or free electrons. For a material to be a good conductor, the electricity that passes through it should be able to move the electrons. Simply put, the more free electrons a meal has, the greater its conductivity.

Least Conductive Metals

The least conductive metals include titanium, lead, carbon, mercury, stainless steel varieties, tungsten, and carbon steel. The matter is made of atoms and atoms have electrons. Electricity is a flow of electrons. Hence, everything that is matter conducts electricity. On the other hand, some metals are not that conductive as compared to others. These are considered the least conductive metals.

What is the Most Conductive Metal?

Silver is the most conductive metal. The presence of valence electrons determines the conductivity of a metal. Valence electrons are free electrons that enable metals to conduct electric current. These free electrons move through metals like billiard balls that transfer energy as they knock each other. Silver is a metal with single free moving valance electrons. The valence moves throughout the metal with little resistance. This makes silver more conductive.

✅ Video – Which Metals Conduct Electricity the Best?

Metal Supermarkets shared the video below on YouTube. The video answers the question about which metal conducts electricity the best. There are many different kinds of metal and all of them are conductors of electricity. However, not all are good conductors. Watch the video below to learn the different metals that are good at conducting electricity.

Least Heat Conductive Metal

Bronze is the least heat conductive metal. When deciding which metal to use for a specific application, it is vital to know its heat conductivity. Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and is usually used for heat sinks, saucepan bottoms, and heat exchangers. On the other hand, steel is not a good conductor of heat and is usually used for high-temperature environments like airplane engines.

What is Thermal Conductivity?

Thermal conductivity measures the ability of a metal to conduct heat. This varies for different types of metal and should be considered when it comes to applications wherein high operating temperatures are common. Materials with high thermal conductivity can effectively transfer and take up heat from their environment. However, materials with poor thermal conductors resist heat flow and obtain heat slowly.

Thermal conductivity stays roughly the same with increases in temperature for pure metals. On the other hand, the thermal conductivity increases with temperature for alloys.

What Metals Heat Up Faster?

Aluminum and copper have the highest thermal conductivity. Aluminum can absorb heat faster as compared to copper. When removed from the heat source, aluminum will cool faster because it is less dense. However, in a system with steady heat input such as a computer CPU, copper is an ideal choice for keeping the heat in and out of the metal as it is with electricity.

What is the Least Conductive Material?

Insulators like plastics, wood, and ceramics are the least conductive materials. Glass is the number one nonconductive transparent material.

Which Metal Has the Highest Thermal Conductivity?

Diamond has the highest thermal conductivity with values that measured 5 times higher than copper. Diamond atoms are made up of a simple carbon backbone which is an ideal molecular structure for effective heat transfer. Most of the time, materials with the simplest molecular structures and chemical compositions have the highest thermal conductivity values. We have shared this article titled, how to test pool water for electricity? Check out the article for an in-depth discussion about the topic.

Which is a Better Conductor, Brass, or Copper?

Copper is a better conductor as compared to brass and has been used in electrical wiring since the days of the telegraph. It is the standard why which electrical materials are rated. Moreover, conductivity ratings are expressed as a relative measurement of copper. On the other hand, brass is only 28 percent as conductive as copper. While it contains copper, it is less conductive because it is made up of additional materials which lessen its conductivity.

Is Titanium Electrically Conductive?

Pure metal titanium is electrically conductive and is similar to lead or steel. On the other hand, it is a poor conductor of electricity and heat. It is not as hard as compared to other metals and is also non-magnetic. You can also check out this article titled, is carbon fiber stronger than titanium, steel, aluminum? We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

Is Wood Electrically Conductive?

Though not a very good one, wood is still a conductor. High-voltage power can easily move through wood. Even at low voltage, damp wood can be transformed into an excellent conductor.

Is Copper a Good Conductor of Electricity?

Copper is a good conductor of electricity because it has free valence electrons that strongly repel each other and cause the repulsion of other electrons. This forces the electricity down the copper or conducts it down the metal.

Is Copper a Good Conductor of Heat?

Copper is a good conductor of heat. It is used in many heating applications because it has a high melting point and does not corrode. Copper is also the most widely used conductor material. This is because it has a high electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility, high melting point, and high resistance to corrosion, fatigue, and wear. You can also check out this article that discusses if you can see electricity in water. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.


You have reached the end of this article that talks about the least conductive metal. We have learned that all metals are conductive, but some metals are less conducive as compared to others. Some of the least conductive metals include mercury, titanium, lead, carbon, stainless steel varieties, tungsten, and carbon steel.

On the other hand, copper is the most popular conductive metal that is used in many applications.  We hope that this article provided has answered your questions about conductivity and the least conductive metals. Thank you for reading!

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