Is it Bad Feng Shui to Block a Door?

Are you decorating your entryway and are wondering if it is bad feng shui to block a door? Doors are important parts of the house according to feng shui because it is where energy enters. The positioning, alignment, and appearance of the door affect how energy flows into your home and can determine if your house has bad feng shui or not. What if your doors are blocked by furniture, plants, and decorations? Is it considered bad luck in feng shui? We will find out the answer below.

Is it bad feng shui to block a door? In feng shui, it is considered as bad luck to block a door. It is believed that if your doors are blocked, it will prevent opportunities from your life. Make sure that every door in your house can open freely and smoothly without any obstructions. Remove items, plants, or furniture that is blocking your doors from opening all the way especially in your front door.

The position of the doors in your home is important in feng shui. Why is it bad luck to block a door? How can doors affect your home in feng shui? Why is it important to keep your entrance clear? How do you fix a bad feng shui door? These are some of the questions that we will discuss. Check out the rest of the article below for more tips and ideas.

Is it bad feng shui to block a door
Image by hirisflower from Pixabay

Importance of Doors in Feng Shui

The front door is important in feng shui because it is considered as a portal of energy or where energy passes to get into your house. While some homes may have other doors that are used to enter the house, the front door is considered the main door. Not using the front door can mean that you are blocking energy as well as opportunities from entering your home. Hence, it is important you’re your front door remains active. You can activate your front door by opening and walking through it at least once every nine days.

Why is it Bad Luck to Block a Door?

It is bad luck to block a door because energy cannot pass through and enter your house. Moreover, blocking your doors can also mean that you can block opportunities from entering your life. These blockages can be overgrown plants, furniture, decorations, statues, and other items that are obscuring the path and making it hard to open the door freely. Make sure that you maintain a clean and clutter-free path to every door in your house so that you can have all the abundant energy heading your way. We have also shared this article that discusses what color of the front door is lucky. You can check out the article for more tips and ideas.

How Can Doors Affect Your Home in Feng Shui?

Door placement and alignment can affect the energy that enters and flows throughout the house. Avoid direct alignment of doors in every room. Moreover, the front door and the back door should not be aligned. In feng shui, direct alignment of two or more doors can create a low and harsh quality of energy that is also called sha chi. According to feng shui, it is vital to avoid direct alignment of the front door with the back door. If this happens, good feng shui energy that enters through the main door will easily flow out through the back door without ever circulating throughout your house.

Is it Bad Luck if a Tree Blocks by Front Door?

It is considered bad luck in feng shui if a tree blocks your front door. Regardless it is a small bush or a large tree, blocking the front door can block the flow of energy and new opportunities from entering your house. Make sure to remove any trees or shrubs that are directly in the pathway to your front door. Moreover, make sure that your front door can be seen so that energy can easily pass through it. You can also check out this article titled, is it bad feng shui to see the back door from the front door? We have shared tips and information to have good feng shui in your house.

✅ Video – Feng Shui Tips: These Plants That Bring Bad Luck To Your Home!

Moonlight Lisa shared the video below on YouTube. It discusses different plants that bring bad luck to your home. Check out the video below to find out more about the topic.

How to Fix a Bad Feng Shui Door

To fix a bad feng shui door, some of the things that you can do are to soften the path to the front door. You should also avoid sharp and pointy objects and reduce clutter and obstructions around your entrance. Let us learn more about this below.

Avoid Sharp Objects

In feng shui, sharp objects are avoided because they can bring negative energy into the house. Avoid using decorations or objects that are shaped in triangles or long pointy objects. The impact that sharp and pointy objects bring into your home will have to depend on their size and how far they are away from you.

Path to the Front Door

Another thing that you can do to fix bad feng shui is to soften the path to your front door. It should have an inviting and soothing feel. According to Western feng shui practitioners, the path that leads to the front door should be curved rather than straight. The reason for this is that curved roads are similar to the roads made by nature which can brighten our mood. Furthermore, the type of plants that you have on the walkway plays an important role in feng shui. You can plant flowers along the walkway to provide a comforting and peaceful feeling to those who are walking by. You can also check out this article that discusses if it is bad luck to have stairs facing the front door. We have shared tips and information that you can refer to.

Clean Clutter and Remove Obstructions

Make sure that the doors in your home are clutter-free. They should be able to open and close freely without anything blocking the way. If a chair or cabinet prevents the door from opening all the way, relocate the furniture. Make sure that the front door area is clean and organized. Moreover, remove any obstructions in your front doors like trees, shrubs, and electric poles.

How to Cure Front Door Blocked by a Tree?

You do not have to cut down the tree that is blocking your front door to attract good energy inside your house. What you can do is to make the tree an attractive feature in your yard so that it draws energy to your house. The same also goes for other obstructions. For instance, you can hang lights on a telephone pole to transform it so that it can attract energy. Lights are a good cure for bad feng shui because they invite positive energy as well as opportunities to your house. If you do not want to remove the tree, you can also create a different path to your front door. Add stones, woodblocks, or bricks on each side of the walkway to make your front door stand out. You can also check out this article titled, is it OK to have 2 doors facing each other? We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

How to Attract Good Luck to Your Front Door?

To attract good luck into your front door, make sure that it is sturdy, well-built, and decorated, and painted with a different color than the other doors of your house. The front door is important because it attracts the best feng shui energy. Hence, it should pop out from the other doors in your house. Moreover, the front door should open widely to provide more space so that positive energy can easily flow inside. Bear in mind that by maintaining a good relationship between the front door and the entire structure of the house, the Chi will flow in perfect balance.

Why is it Important to Keep Your Entrance Clear?

It is important to keep the entrance of your house clear so that energy can easily flow inside. If you want to have good luck in your home, then remove the clutter and blockage at your entrance. The entryway is where energy enters your home and when it is blocked, it can prevent luck and opportunities from entering. Make sure that your foyer is open by getting rid of unnecessary items. You can also increase the flow of energy so that it has a positive impact on your income and relationships by keeping entryway items in an accent cabinet. You can also check out this article titled, what is the luckiest color of the front door. We have discussed the lucky color that you can use for your front door.


In this article, we have discussed if it is bad feng shui to block a door. We have found out the blocked doors can prevent energy and opportunities from entering your home. In feng shui, it is important to create a welcoming doorway so that positive energy, opportunities, as well as good fortune can pass through. We have also shared tips on how to fix bad feng shui doors. Keep these things in mind when decorating your front door or any doors in your house. Thank you for reading!

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