Is Bamboo Toilet Paper Biodegradable?

In this article, we will discuss if bamboo toilet paper is biodegradable. Bamboo is one popular plant that is used in different kinds of new sustainable alternatives. It grows fast which makes it an eco-friendly option for various products like toothbrushes, combs, straws, toilet papers, and many more. But what makes it biodegradable? What are the advantages of using bamboo toilet paper over regular or even recycled ones? We will answer these questions below.

Is bamboo toilet paper biodegradable? Bamboo toilet paper is 100% biodegradable. It is septic safe and will dissolve in the water when flushed down the toilet. Bamboo toilet paper will disintegrate naturally over time and leaves no footprints of its existence in your septic tank or the environment.

Which toilet paper is the most environmentally friendly? What are the negative effects of non-biodegradable toilet paper on the environment? How long does bamboo toilet paper decompose? We will discuss these questions in this article. For more information, read the rest of the article below.

is bamboo toilet paper biodegradable
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

How Long Does Bamboo Toilet Paper Take to Decompose?

When flushed down the toilet, bamboo toilet paper can dissolve in the water and can fully disintegrate once it gets in the septic system. In most cases, it can take a month to decompose. In the wrong conditions, it takes one to three tears for it to fully decompose. How long bamboo toilet paper decompose will depend on various factors like the thickness of the toilet paper, how much water is available, and the weather conditions that it is exposed to.

Does Bamboo Toilet Paper Break Down?

Bamboo toilet paper breaks down better and faster as compared to regular or recycled toilet paper. A thin sheet of bamboo toilet paper will naturally decompose and leave no trace of its existence in your septic tank or the environment. You can also check out this article that we have written about how long it takes for paper towels to break down. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

Which Toilet Paper is the Most Environmentally Friendly?

The most environmentally-friendly toilet paper is those that are made from 100% biodegradable materials and not does include chemicals in their production. The toilet paper should easily dissolve when flushed down the toilet to avoid clogs in the drainage or pipes. Take note that the most environment-friendly toilet paper is not always the softest or that has fragrances. It should be made from materials that do not harm the environment. Bamboo toilet paper is a good option because it uses a sustainable material and helps reduce deforestation.

Is Using Bamboo Bad for the Environment?

The harvesting and cultivation process of bamboo is environmentally friendly. One of the major benefits of bamboo is being a sustainable building material. It is a sustainable material that can be quickly replenished once it is harvested. Both bamboo construction and bamboo products are known for their environmentally conscious nature. However, the main concern for bamboo is how it is handled and how the products are made. Using dangerous chemicals is a major concern and some work should be done in this area. Otherwise, its use is good for the environment.

Is Bamboo Toilet Roll Better than Recycled?

Bamboo toilet paper is better than recycled. Toilet paper made from bamboo releases approximately 30 percent fewer greenhouse gasses as compared to toilet paper made from virgin wood. Moreover, bamboo toilet paper is more sustainable than virgin wood pulp when sourced responsibly. We have also written this article that discusses if recycled or bamboo toilet paper better for the environment. You can check out the article for more information.

Is Bamboo Toilet Paper Safe for Plumbing?

Bamboo toilet paper is safe for plumbing. This is because it dissolves faster as compared to other types of toilet paper. You can flush it down the toilet and rest assured that it will not clog your pipes or cause damage to your septic system.

Is Bamboo Toilet Paper Septic Safe?

Bamboo toilet paper is made to be septic safe. It is made from bamboo fiber that easily dissolves when it gets in contact with water. It disintegrates faster as compared to regular or recycled toilet paper. Moreover, bamboo toilet paper does not use chemicals such as chlorine, bleach, or scents that can damage the septic tank. For more information about this topic, check out this article titled, is bamboo toilet paper septic safe?

Is Bamboo Toilet Paper Environmentally Friendly?

Bamboo toilet paper is environmentally friendly. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. It can be harvested once a year and does not need replanting which makes it an infinite source of material as compared to trees. Bamboo also requires less than 30 percent of water than trees. It is a renewable and sustainable product. Bamboo toilet paper is also soft, strong, and comfortable to use. It is 100% biodegradable and will not cause damage to your septic tank and the environment as well.

Is Toilet Paper Bad for the Environment?

Toilet paper is bad for the environment for many reasons. From the manufacturing, transportation, and disposal, there are many issues about the use of toilet paper that can cause harm to the planet. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, “the paper and pulp industry may contribute to more global and local environmental problems than any industry in the world.”


Toilet paper uses a lot of timber which destroys wildlife habitat. It is also a major generator of air and water pollution. Moreover, the industry is the third-largest industrial emitter of global warming gasses.


The paper and pulp mills are usually far away from the major population centers and transportation to the customer requires fuel. Paper is heavy and also consumes energy which creates air pollution for transportation.


About 28 percent of all household waste is paper and only about one-half of this is being recycled. Much of the recycled paper is shipped to China and other Asian countries for reuse rather than being used in the US.

✅ Video – The Dirty Truth about Toilet Paper & What to Do About It (Toilet Paper Alternatives)

Hello TUSHY shared the video below on YouTube. It discusses the truth about toilet paper. Toilet paper does not only leave residue but also leaves an ugly mark on the planet. Learn about the dirty truth of toilet paper and its effects on the body and the planet by watching the video below.

How to Choose Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper

Some manufacturers produce toilet paper made from 100% recycled fiber and toilet paper made from 100% fresh fiber. Take note that there is no right or wrong fiber choice when choosing toilet paper to find out if it is eco-friendly. The best way to choose would be to understand the sustainability practices of the manufacturing company. If the manufacturer operates sustainably all along the supply chain, you can rest assured that it is environmentally friendly.

How to Choose Biodegradable Toilet Paper

Avoid the negative effects of wood pulp toilet paper on the environment by choosing 100% biodegradable bamboo toilet paper. Bamboo takes less land, water, and energy to grow. It does not use any chemicals in its production so you can rest assured that it is skin-friendly. Moreover, it easily dissolves in water.

Plastic Free

Keep your plastic footprint as low as possible by choosing a plastic-free toilet paper brand. You can find toilet papers that are individually wrapped in paper sheets for zero waste.

Fast Dissolving

If you have an old septic tank or poor plumbing system, you need to choose toilet paper that dissolves faster in water. This will make sure that the toilet paper will not clog your pipes and will disintegrate naturally in your septic tank. We have also written this article titled, bamboo toilet paper versus normal. You can check out the article for an in-depth discussion about the topic.

What are the Negative Effects of Non-Biodegradable Toilet Paper?

Non-biodegradable toilet paper has many negative effects on the environment. It uses chemicals in its production that gets mixed up in soil and water. It also uses plastic packaging that ends up in landmines. Moreover, it leaves a carbon footprint that damages the environment.

Plastic Packaging

Some manufacturers use plastic to pack toilet paper because it is more convenient. This is especially true in today’s era where the process is fast and clean. You can have the toilet paper that you ordered delivered right next to your doorsteps. On the other hand, plastic packaging does not decompose and ends up in landfills to occupy space for many years. It is best to choose toilet paper that uses biodegradable packaging.


Toilet paper companies that are not eco-friendly use an immense amount of chemicals in the production of their product. Mainly, chlorine is used to whiten and soften the paper. Moreover, fragrances are added to make toilet paper smell nice. Beware of these chemicals because they are bad for the body and can cause allergies and rashes. Moreover, the same chemicals end up in soils and rivers. It is okay if your toilet paper is not white or does not have any smell as long as they are safe to use and for the environment as well.


Most of the wood pulp that is used in the production of toilet paper comes from virgin forests. Trees are being cut down to make toilet paper. Take note that trees take up to 30 years to re-grow. Choosing eco-friendly toilet paper will help prevent deforestation.

Carbon Footprint

The process of turning wood pulp into toilet paper requires high energy. It takes a lot of electricity and water which results in CO2 emission into the atmosphere. Even the production of recycled toilet paper requires a lot of energy which costs too much carbon.


You have reached the end of this article that discusses if bamboo toilet paper is biodegradable. We have learned that bamboo toilet paper is 100% biodegradable and is also septic tank safe. Moreover, we have discusses the negative effects of using non-biodegradable toilet paper on the environment. We hope that this article has answered your questions. Thank you for reading!

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