Do People See You Inverted from What You See in the Mirror?

Are you wondering if people see you inverted from what you see in the mirror? We are concerned about our appearance, especially how we appear to other people physically. This is why we make sure that we are always presentable. We want people to look at us in a certain way, so we constantly check our appearance in the mirror. But sometimes, we can’t help but wonder if the image we see in the mirror is how other people see us.

Do people see you inverted from what you see in the mirror? In real life, people see the opposite of what you see in the mirror. This is because the mirror reverses the images that it reflects. A mirror switches left and right in any image that it reflects. One mirror is not enough to see yourself as others see you. When you look at the mirror, you see an image of yourself with the left and right reversed. To see yourself as other people see you, you need a second mirror to undo the effect of the first mirror and to switch the direction back again.

Is your reflection in the mirror what others see? Does a mirror show what you look like? How do others see your face? These are some of the questions that we will discuss in their article. To learn more about how others see you, you can check out the rest of the article below.

Do people see me how I see myself in the mirror
Photo by Jenna Hamra from Pexels

Is Your Reflection on the Mirror What Others See?

Your reflection in the mirror is not what others see. What you see in the mirror is only a reflection and that may not be how others see you in real life. To know how you appear to other people, you can stare at a selfie camera, flip and capture your photo. We have also written this article that discusses if we look the same in the mirror as in real life. Check out the reasons that affect the way you look when you stare at your reflection in the mirror as compared to how you look in real life.

Does a Mirror Show What You Look Like?

A mirror does not show what you look like in real life. When you look in the mirror, you do not see the person that other people see. This is because your reflection in the mirror is reversed by your brain. When you raise your left hand, your reflection will raise its right hand. From the way we smile to the way we part our hair, our faces are not symmetrical. The image that we are looking at in the mirror is not the face that we show to the world. 

How to See Yourself as Others See You

If you want to see yourself as others see you, you would need a second mirror to undo the effect of the first mirror and switch the directions back again. Try to look at yourself using a True Mirror wherein you can see yourself as to how others see you. It was first patented in 1887. The True Mirror makes use of a combination of two mirrors that are placed at right angles. It forms a seamless three-dimensional, non-reversed image. People who have looked at themselves in the True Mirror have said that their experience was like meeting their selves for the first time. That is how different you look from your reflection in the mirror.

do people see me as how I see myself in the mirror
Photo by Keisha on Unsplash

Is What You See in the Mirror What Others See?

What you see in the mirror is not what others see. It is only a reflection and how others view you in real life is different. On the other hand, there is not that much difference between what you look in the mirror and what others see in real life.

Do People See Your Face Inverted?

When people look at you, they do not see your face as inverted. You look closer at the photos as compared to the mirror. When you look at your reflection in the mirror, you are looking at a reversed image. Take note that our faces are asymmetrical and what you look like to other people in real life is a bit different.

How to See Your Real Face?

To see your real face, you need to use a true mirror. This type of mirror optically restores your true image which allows you to see how you look in real life. It is a non-reversing mirror that enables you to see something as though you were looking at it directly rather than the mirrored image. On the other hand, people also are accustomed to seeing a reversed image of themselves in an ordinary mirror, and seeing a true image feels strange.

Do People See What I See in the Mirror?

In real life, people do not see what you see in the mirror. This is because the reflection in the mirror is reversed by our brain. Our faces are not symmetrical and the image that we see in the mirror is the reverse of what people see in real life.

How do You See Yourself in the Mirror?

When you look at a mirror, you see an image of yourself that is made up of light rays that have been reflected from the mirror into your eyes. If you stand facing the mirror that is facing directly back at you, you will see a reversed reflection of yourself on the horizontal plane. When you move your left hand to your left, your reflection will move its right hand to the right. This is true for the standard flat mirrors that are usually found at home.

Does the Mirror Show the Real You?

The mirror does not show the real you. While you are familiar with your image staring back at you in the mirror, what other people see in real life is a bit different. Bear in mind that the image in the mirror shows what you look at in reverse.

True Mirror

A true mirror is a type of mirror that lets you see your true image. This means that you will see what you look like in real life. In the true mirror, a non-reversed image of yourself which is also how others see you are shown. You can purchase one online.  On the other hand, you can also make one by joining two mirrors side by side and at the right angles.

What Does a True Mirror Do?

The true mirror optically restores your true image from the mirror image. This allows you to see yourself not just as you look but also as how you are in real life. You can also check out this article that discusses how the Troxler effect applies to mirrors.

✅ Video –Seeing Your True Self with a True Mirror

Circus Picnic shared the video below on YouTube. In the video, people are asked to look at themselves using a true mirror and to see the difference in how they view themselves to how they like. After looking at the mirror, some say that they look different and that they do not recognize the person staring back at them.  Check out the video below to find out more about what people have to say after looking at their reflection in the true mirror.

A Mirror that Shows How Others Sees You

A non-reversing mirror or a True Mirror allows you to see something as though you are directly looking at it instead of a mirrored image. These mirrors are more likely seen in museums or homes wherein it becomes the conversational centerpiece.

How does a Non-Reversing Mirror Work?

Using a glass first surface mirror is important when it comes to getting a seamless reflection. It is formed by taking two special front-surface mirrors and joining them at exactly ninety degrees to form a seamless, three-dimensional, non-reversed image. The result will be a mirror that is shaped like the corner of a room, which inverts a typical reflection.

How Do People See My Face?

Looking at your reflection in the mirror, it is normal to think that it is also what others see when they look at you in real life. On the other hand, this is not true because what people see in real life is a non-reversed image. When you look at the mirror, your reflection is reversed which means that it shows your image from the left to right. For instance, when you raise your right hand, your reflection will raise its left hand. In real life, when you raise your right hand at other people, they will see your right-hand raising.

Is the Mirror or Camera More Accurate?

The mirror is more accurate as compared to photos. This is because selfies can distort your face and make it look less attractive. Lighting can also affect how you look in the photo. When you capture photos using bad lighting, you will look bad and less attractive.


Your brain works in a way that you do not notice the differences in lighting when you look at the mirror because it automatically evens it out. This shows you a display of the fact that you are used to seeing. This is not the same for a camera. A camera captures all the shadows and tones objectively which plays a huge role in taking a photo. The lighting can either make or break a photo. This is also why you look different in a mirror compared to a photo.

Camera Angle

Another reason why mirrors are more accurate is that the camera can make you look different from certain angles. Take note that photos are a 2-D version of real life. This means that photos can distort or flatten your features at certain angles. Moreover, photos store everything which means that any awkward movement that goes unnoticed when you look in the mirror or in real life is captured for everyone to see.

Camera Lens

The camera lens also changes its perspective. There are different types of lenses and every lens sees the image differently. Lens uses tricks to change the perspective of the image. For instance, the wide-angle lens is used for capturing an image at a wide angle. Because it has a wide field of view and is drastically wider than your eyes, this lens is ideal for capturing landscapes.

However, you need to take advantage of the fisheye effect to get the right effect which also stretches the subject. This might not be too obvious, but the look slightly differs. It is also the same for the ultra-wide lenses which makes the image near the lens appear to be very big while those that are farther away, tend to look very small.

Camera Flash

The flash of the camera can also make your appearance different. Sometimes, the camera flash can be a big help when it comes to providing the right light for the image. However, there are also times when the camera flash can make you look worse. Some say that the flash adds seven years to your make not only making your appearance older but also making your face shinier. You can also check out this article that discusses if you look like a mirror or camera. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

Why Mirror is More Accurate than Camera?

A mirror is more accurate than a camera because it is closer to your natural looks, produces a 3D version of the image, and shows full expression. Let us delve more into this below.

Provides Image that is Closer to Your Natural Looks

One of the reasons why a mirror is more accurate than a camera is that it provides an image that is closer to your natural looks. The lighting in the room can somehow affect the image but it is only minimal as compared to the camera. The angles, lighting, and filters that are used to make the photo better can drastically change your image in photos.

It Creates a 3D Version of Image

Another reason why mirrors are more accurate than a camera is that it creates a 3D version image. On the other hand, the camera only provides a 2D version. Looking at the mirror, you can change your pose and see what you look like with your expressions while a camera can only capture one pose.

It Shows a Movable Image

Mirrors are more accurate because it shows your every movement. You cannot do this with a photo taken from a camera. You can look at yourself in the mirror and move your face to see what you look like when you are laughing, speaking, smiling, and even crying.

It Reflects Your Expressions

The mirror is not only accurate, but it is also more expressive as compared to photos taken by the camera. When you pose for the camera, your smile and facial expressions can be rehearsed so that you will look better in it. On the other hand, mirrors can show the different expressions on your face.

Why Do I Look Better in the Mirror?

You look better in the mirror because you are used to the reflection that you see every day. From the way you smile to the way you move your eyes, you are familiar with the person staring back at you. When you look at a photo of yourself, you might be surprised that you look a bit different. This is because the image in the photo is reversed and might seem a bit weird because it is different from the reflection in the mirror that you are used to seeing.

How Can I See Myself as Others See Me?

To see yourself as others see you, you need to use a true mirror. Nowadays, you can also use applications that reverse your facial selfie. For instance, you can use a TikTok inverted filter. When you open the app, it will reverse your facial selfie which shows what your face looks like to other people.

What is a TikTok Inverted Filter?

A TikTok inverted filter is a type of filter that reverses a facial selfie. As a result, it will show your face as how others see you. Looking at the filter can be weird because it reverse image of yourself looks a bit different but it is still somehow the same.

Does the Mirror Show the Real You?

The mirror does not show the real you. Looking at the mirror, you see an image that is made up of light rays that have been reflected from the mirror and into your eyes. If you are standing in front of a mirror, you will see a reflection of yourself that is reversed on the horizontal plane, yet the same from top to bottom. This means that your image in the mirror is flipped from left to right but not top to bottom.

girl with earring looking at mirror
Photo by Amy Vann on Unsplash

Which is the Real Me: Camera or Mirror?

Mirrors provide a more accurate image of yourself as compared to the camera. This is because the mirror reflects your image and reverses it from left to right. The image produced does not have any alteration. However, the camera can change your appearance depending on various factors such as the lighting, angle and the application used.


In this article, we have discussed if people see you how you see yourself in the mirror. We have found out that people see us differently compared to how we see ourselves when we look in the mirror. This is because the image in the mirror is only a reflection and people see the opposite of what a mirror shows. We have also learned that you can see how you look at others in real life by using a true mirror. This is a two-way mirror that you can now purchase on the market. You can even make one at home.

We hope that this article has helped you learn more about how you see yourself when you look in the mirror as compared to how others see you in real life. Thank you for reading!

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