Can I Mix White Cement and Plaster of Paris?

Are you curious if you can mix white cement and plaster of Paris? Both products are used as construction materials and have their advantages and disadvantages. To help you get started, we will discuss these products, their differences, uses, and if they can be mixed.

Can I mix white cement and plaster of Paris? White cement can be mixed with plaster of Paris. On the other hand, there are factors that you need to consider so that you can follow the requirements needed for proper mixing.  White Cement and plaster of Paris should be mixed before water is added. Take note that mixing white cement and plaster of Paris is not good for many applications because it can expand and cause cracks.

Plaster of Paris is a material that is used for castings and other applications. On the other hand, white cement is ideal for making specialty applications where appearance is important. It provides a great finish to walls and is also used for different applications. Both materials can be used together, but there are considerations that you need to consider first. Let us find out more about this below.

Can I mix white cement and plaster of Paris
Image by krazyapplez from Pixabay

Why is Plaster of Paris Added to Cement?

When cement comes out of the kiln and is cooling down, it is mixed with gypsum which acts as a set rate moderator. Adding plaster of Paris is can form ettringite. Take note that gypsum has a vital role when it comes to controlling how fast cement hardens. When cement is manufactured, a small amount of gypsum is added into the final grinding process to control its setting time.

Is Plaster of Paris and White Cement the Same?

Plaster of Paris and white cement are not the same. For instance, plaster of Paris is a porous material that will crumble when exposed to rain. On the other hand, white cement is durable and can be used outdoors. We have also shared this article that discusses what happens if plaster of Paris gets wet. You can check out the article to learn more about the topic.

What is the Difference between Plaster of Paris and Cement?

The difference between plaster of Paris and cement is that cement is made of limestone and clay while plaster of Paris is made from gypsum. As it sets, cement is harder and is mainly used in construction. On the other hand, plaster of Paris is usually used in making molds and in coving. As compared to cement, plaster of Paris sets quickly.

How to Make a Concrete and Plaster Mixture

There are a few steps that you need to follow when making a concrete and plaster mixture like preparation of the materials, proper mixing, and pouring. Concrete and plaster mixture is usually used in making outdoor concrete lawn sculptures and ornaments. It is also a way to create free-form sculptures without the use of molds. Concrete and plaster mixture is applied to an armature. Proper methods and production can create durable structures that can last for many years and can be placed outdoors.

Step 1

Before anything else, you need to wear proper gear protection such as face masks, gloves, and goggles. Prepare the materials. In a five-gallon bucket, pour six cups of Portland cement. You can also make the structure stringer by adding three cups of masonry sand for every three cups of Portland cement. Thoroughly mix the ingredients manually or with the use of a mixing drill.

Step 2

The next step is to slowly add polypropylene fibers into a measuring cup. Sift them so that they are properly separated. It is ideal to use no more than ¼ cup of polypropylene fibers in the mixture. Add the measured polypropylene fibers into the dry mixture of Portland cement and sand. Mix well.

Step 3

In another 5 gallon bucket, mix one cup of admixture, one cup of paint, and one cup of water. Mix thoroughly.

Step 4

Mix the dry and liquid mixture. Mix thoroughly making sure that all ingredients have the consistency of thickened peanut butter. Add two or more cups of Portland cement if the mixture is too runny. On the other hand, make sure that you do not exceed the recommended eight cups of the total dry mixture. Mix thoroughly while testing the consistency of the mixture. You can tell if the mixture is done by scooping a spoonful of it. The shape of the mixture should be maintained when it is mixed into the rest of the batch.

Step 5

Use the concrete and plaster mixture immediately. The mixture will set in about thirty minutes or so.

What Causes Cracks in Cement Plaster?

Some of the most important factors which affect the development of the cracks in cement plaster are the fineness of sand, cement sand ration, and water to cement ratio, temperature, and curing. Learn more about this below.

Sand Fineness

As the grain size of the sand changes, the water that is needed to create a paste also changes. The smaller the grain size of the sand is, the more water is needed to achieve workability. As a result, excess water will bleed and dry from the surface and can cause shrinkage and cracks.

The Ratio of Sand and Cement

Take note that the richer the cement mix is, the greater the value of the hydration cement will be. If the cement has a high value of hydration, it can cause high drying shrinkage. As a result, it can cause the surface of the plaster to crack.

The Ratio of Water and Cement

If the plaster has a higher water value than cement, it can lead to shrinkage which can cause more cracks. The ratio of water and cement plays an important role when it comes to producing high-quality plaster. Take note that having a low ratio of water and cement results in higher strength and durability. However, this can make the mix harder to place because excess water content can lead to the formation of capillary pores. This will affect the durability and strength of the plaster. You can also check out this article that discusses if the plaster of Paris is fireproof. We have shared useful tips and ideas that you can refer to.


Another cause of the crack in cement plaster is the temperature. Mortar that is made in hot weather requires more water so that it will have the same workability and leads to more shrinkage and cracks. We have also shared this article that discusses if perfect cast is the same as plaster of Paris. You can check out to find out the difference between both materials.


Curing also leads to cracks in the cement plaster. There will be less shrinkage if proper curing starts as soon as the initial set has taken place and continued for seven to ten days. Curing controls the rate and moisture loss from plaster during cement hydration. This can happen after it is placed in position or during the manufacture of the concrete. Take note that cement hydration takes time. Hence, curing must be done for a reasonable period so that the plaster can have its potential durability and strength.

✅ Video – Can You Mix Plaster with Cement to Make Statuary?

David Jensen shared the video below on YouTube. It discusses if you can mix plaster with cement to make statuary. In the video, the result of adding plaster of Paris to the traditional cement is shown. Find out more about the outcome by watching the video below.

Is Plaster of Paris Stronger than Cement?

The plaster of Paris is not stronger than cement. While plaster is hard as cement, it is not as white or as strong. Plaster of Paris is a hard white substance that is made by adding water into powdered gypsum. You can also check out this article that discusses if cement is stronger than plaster of Paris. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

Is White Cement the Same as Plaster of Paris?

White cement is not the same as plaster of Paris. The latter is made from gypsum and used in various applications like medical casts. On the other hand, white cement is mainly used to provide a lustrous finish to walls. You can also check out this article that we have shared titled, is plaster of Paris hard? We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.

What is White Cement Used For?

White cement is used for combining white aggregates to create white concrete for prestige construction projects as well as decorative work. Because white plaster is not economical to use for structural purpose, it is usually in the form of pre-cast cladding panels.

Can You Plaster Over Cement?

You can plaster over cement. Adding plaster to a concrete wall changes its appearance and makes it more moisture-resistant. Moreover, it adds texture into the walls. Take note that it takes some time to plaster walls. You need to prepare the wall and allow it to cure and dry between applying plaster.


You have reached the end of this article that discusses of you can mix cement and plaster of Paris. We have found out that plaster of Paris and cement can be mixed. However, there are conditions that you need to consider to make sure that it will meet the right requirements. We have also shared tips and ideas on how to make a concrete and plaster mixture using cement and plaster of Paris. We hope that this article that we have shared has helped you learn more about cement and plaster of Paris, their differences, and how to use them together. Thank you for reading!

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