In this article, we will discuss if compost worms can eat egg cartons. Composting is a fun thing to do because not only can you help the environment, but you can also produce healthy fertilizer for...
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One of the common questions asked by those who would like to start composting is if a compost bin needs drainage. There is a wide array of compost bin sizes that you can choose from and you can even...
Worm bedding is an important factor in worm farming and composting, but how deep should the bed be? Is there a standard measurement of how deep the bedding should be? Why is the depth of the worm bed...
You might have cabbage in your kitchen scraps and are wondering if you can feed that to your worms. If you want to have a thriving worm bin, you must feed the right food to the worms. What can worms...
This article discusses if compost bins need holes in the bottom. Are you planning to make a compost bin where you can throw organic scraps and produce a good fertilizer for your garden? Nowadays,...
Are you setting up a worm farm and are wondering if you should add water to it? Worm farming can be a challenging task for beginners because there are many factors that you need to consider such as...